You guys, this is just a reminder, that you can do this.

While on social media the other day, I came across a photo of another grieving mom, a woman whom I shared a weekend with at a grief retreat many years ago.  She was a mom whose heart had been shattered beyond recognition when her child passed away.  We became fast friends, exposing our deepest wounds, sacred feelings, while shedding endless tears. It was a vivid reminder that we stay forever entwined with those we share our vulnerable moments with, connected on a level that few can understand.

As I saw this recent photo of her and stopped scrolling, I could feel my smile growing. It spoke loudly to me.  She was laughing. She was happy.

All those years ago, she didn’t believe it was possible. Yet here she was. It was the most spectacular sight; her beautiful smile filled my heart with joy.

So, what was the big deal? What did it mean?

Well for us grieving parents, it is a HUGE deal. 

It means that grief and joy can coincide.

It means we can do what we once believed impossible.

It means we can smile, be happy and still love our children in heaven.

It means we can live a fulfilled, vibrant life after loss.

It means we can look ahead and rely on the strength of others who have walked this road before us

It means that we can carry the hurt in our hearts while we still have a blessed life.

It means we can persevere through the pain and find light in the darkness.

It means that despite all the brokenness and despair, there is always hope.

We CAN do this. On the journey with you.

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