The Hand in the Darkness That Held Me: The Heart of a Chaplain

Day in and day out, they put their own lives and families on hold, extending their hands to others. They are a shoulder to cry on, a gentle ear to listen. Irreplaceable servants that act selflessly comforting us during difficult times. They are seldom recognized and often overlooked until we are directly impacted.  Then, who… Read More

Soul Salve: How to Apply Protection For Your Soul

I spoke to a dear friend the other day, one who I hadn’t talked deeply with in years.  We exchanged stories of children and caught up on life.  She opened up about her personal struggles with work, marriage, parenting and life in general. I found she had really been fighting, over the years battling those… Read More

Stagnant Faith-When It’s Time To Stop Running

(Sharing this post from the past. It’s still so relevant and a great reminder.) I turned on Joyce Meyer a few days ago, my late night battery re-charger. It was all in the message, STOP RUNNING FROM GOD. Really? I felt like it was without a doubt tailored exclusively just for me.  I wanted to pull the… Read More

A Day in the Life of a Grieving Mother

I woke up this morning and sat up on my bed, legs dangling towards the floor.  The heaviness of my eyes was overwhelming. I was exhausted, yet weirdly refreshed and thankful to find that the stinging of my bloodshot eyes had subsided after a few hours sleep. My mind didn’t waste any time reminding me… Read More

Sacred Words-The Sweeter Side of Grief

“If you know someone who has lost a child, and you’re afraid to mention them because you think you might make them sad by reminding them that they died–you’re not reminding them. They didn’t forget they died. What you’re reminding them of is that you remembered that they lived, and that is a great gift.”… Read More

Thanksgiving Blessings-Reflections From A Mom Who Lost, Yet Won

It was November 27, 2002 and the clock had just turned past midnight. After a rigorous 24 hours of labor and nearly missing an emergency C-section, early this Wednesday morning my beautiful daughter Lydia Marie was born, weighing 8lbs 2 oz. and covered in a full head of dark hair.  Heavily medicated and exhausted, I couldn’t believe… Read More