Ten Secrets to Surviving Loss of Your Child

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard… “I don’t know how you do it.” “I would go crazy if I were you.” “I couldn’t survive losing my child,” not to mention the comments many say quietly to themselves, secretly thankful it wasn’t their child. Let’s be honest.  I know many of you suffering… Read More

Soul Salve: How to Apply Protection For Your Soul

I spoke to a dear friend the other day, one who I hadn’t talked deeply with in years.  We exchanged stories of children and caught up on life.  She opened up about her personal struggles with work, marriage, parenting and life in general. I found she had really been fighting, over the years battling those… Read More

Ten Years Later-What I’ve Learned After a Decade as a Grieving Mother.

July 16, 2018, marked ten years since our car accident-when a routine commute to work on a hot summer day, ended with my daughter gone and my son and I in the hospital. I remember clearly- it was nearly evening time that day and we were finally allowed to leave the hospital. I was heavily… Read More

Barely Breathing:10 Secrets to Surviving Loss of Your Child, Now Available!

So today is the day!! Lydia’s 11th anniversary in heaven. Bittersweet for sure. However, I’m so blessed my book is here.  Here is the amazon link! I would love to hear feedback from any of you who read this, via a review on Amazon and comment here too. When my sweet Lydia died, I had… Read More

One Essential Secret to Surviving Loss of Your Child

One Essential Secret to Surviving Loss of Your Child I’m playing catch up as I took last week off to travel to beautiful Sedona, Arizona with my mom and daughter, for the first Ellie’s Way Getaway.  It was an amazing week filled with adventure and discovery. During our time together in Arizona, we were able… Read More

A Letter to the Mother I Never Wanted to Be

We mothers will never forget those precious moments when we held our children in our arms for the very first time. We cuddled our babies, sniffing these little miracles swaddled in blankets as we stared in awe of what we have just experienced.  Overflowing with unconditional love for our children, our hearts are forever changed.… Read More