One More Day. You Can Do This.

I’m here to remind you, you can do this.  It hit me as I was watching my daughter’s dance recital the other night. Seeing her so beautifully poised, smiling, flawlessly dancing across the stage- she was so grown up-my heart instantly sank as the tears fell silently. I loved watching her, but I couldn’t help… Read More

Ten Years Later-What I’ve Learned After a Decade as a Grieving Mother.

July 16, 2018, marked ten years since our car accident-when a routine commute to work on a hot summer day, ended with my daughter gone and my son and I in the hospital. I remember clearly- it was nearly evening time that day and we were finally allowed to leave the hospital. I was heavily… Read More

Eagle Scout Remembers Six Little Lives

How much time has to pass before it’s too late to memorialize our loved ones? I came across this inspirational story while reading the Salt Lake Tribune, which demonstrates that it’s never too late and illustrates the importance of remembering our lost love ones, no matter how much time has passed. This is a kind-hearted… Read More