The Ultimate Revelation of Faith

I didn’t really fathom the enormity of the meaning of Easter until after Lydia died, my adorable five-year old baby girl.   I knew absolutely nothing about death until July 16, 2008.  Prior to that, it was elusive to me. It was terrifying, and something I shied away from in every conversation that arose. Death was… Read More

Stagnant Faith-When It’s Time To Stop Running

(Sharing this post from the past. It’s still so relevant and a great reminder.) I turned on Joyce Meyer a few days ago, my late night battery re-charger. It was all in the message, STOP RUNNING FROM GOD. Really? I felt like it was without a doubt tailored exclusively just for me.  I wanted to pull the… Read More

Announcement-Book Coming Soon!!

It’s here. Today Lydia turns 16 years old.  It’s one that’s been on my heart for years, strangely.    Wow! It’s so hard for my mind to wrap around her being 16.   Has it been that long? I have been thinking, wondering what I could do to honor her and make this day special and all… Read More

A Gift of Gratitude For You-(Gift Inside)

  So Thanksgiving is in just a few days, and what better time to warm our hearts with stories of gratitude than now. I am over the moon excited to share with you our new e-book, A Gift of Gratitude, a community book project, just released on Amazon. A book of authors sharing their thoughts… Read More

Finding the Sweeter Side of Grief-A Look at Child Loss Ten Years Later

So July 16, 2018 marks ten years since our car accident.-when a routine commute to work on a hot summer day, ended with my daughter gone and my son and I in the hospital. I remember clearly when it was nearly evening time that day and we were finally allowed to leave the hospital. I… Read More

While We’re Waiting

Psalm 27:14  Wait patiently for the Lord, be brave and courageous.   One wouldn’t think that after ten years, a parent whose child has died, would need to take a “retreat,” now would they? After all, it’s been ten years right? Time to get over it and move on, and quit dwelling in the past? Easy… Read More