The Ultimate Revelation of Faith

I didn’t really fathom the enormity of the meaning of Easter until after Lydia died, my adorable five-year old girl.   I knew absolutely nothing about death until July 16, 2008.  Prior to that, it was elusive to me. It was terrifying, and something I shied away from in every conversation that arose. Death was dark,… Read More

The Ultimate Revelation of Faith

I didn’t really fathom the enormity of the meaning of Easter until after Lydia died, my adorable five-year old baby girl.   I knew absolutely nothing about death until July 16, 2008.  Prior to that, it was elusive to me. It was terrifying, and something I shied away from in every conversation that arose. Death was… Read More

Soul Quenching Savior

I know it’s a couple days late. Seems to be the story of my life. Always a day late , dollar short and behind schedule. Between work and shuffling children around my writing sometimes takes a back seat. Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?          So, Easter thoughts better late than never.    🙂  We… Read More

Spirit Filled Easter

Sharing my post from last year…Love this time of year… With Easter right around the corner, I can’t help but think of my last Easter with Lydia. We had always enjoyed the sunrise service in the middle of the desert.   There’s nothing quite like getting up at 4 AM, throwing the kids in the car,… Read More

Morning Madness and Priceless Gifts

  A few days ago, I went to breakfast with my mom and little guy before I went to work …Bad decision…By the time we were done, my hair was decorated with butter highlights as was my black sweater.  Of course this made for entirely appropriate Court attire complete with the sweet scent of pancakes… Read More