Finding the Sweeter Side of Grief-A Look at Child Loss Ten Years Later

So July 16, 2018 marks ten years since our car accident.-when a routine commute to work on a hot summer day, ended with my daughter gone and my son and I in the hospital. I remember clearly when it was nearly evening time that day and we were finally allowed to leave the hospital. I… Read More

Kind Words and the Impact of an Extraordinary Nurse

These stories never get old.  Sharing one dear to my heart in honor of National  Nurses Week. Hearing of parents mourning the loss of their children due to sudden and traumatic ways, brings back vivid memories to me, knowing the helpless feeling all too well.    The devastating losses of others, is was a strong reminder… Read More

Returning To Work After Bereavement Leave-10 Tips For The Supportive Co-Worker

Today I’m writing on a subject that seems to be rearing its ugly head more and more, so I thought it was time to share about my experience.   It’s a topic that affects us all at some point and one that we (the grieving) meet with much trepidation. I see it daily and fretfully hear the… Read More

Words Of Wisdom-What Grieving People Need To Hear

One of my favorite quotes I learned years ago from my Compassionate Friends… These words, which can apply to any kind of loss, and when given to others can make all the difference.  There’s just something about hearing your child’s name (or loved one), which brings tears of joy to the heart… Just by mentioning… Read More