A Glimpse of Grief and Gratitude

Sharing again words from the past, a glimpse of grief.  July. It’s here and bittersweet for me. It’s a beautiful month for our nation, one in which we should all celebrate. Yet on the other hand, its sharpness once again caught me by surprise, saturating my soul and wetting my face with the painful sting… Read More

The Heart of a Chaplain

Instantly my mind went there. Yeah. That excruciating place we often try to avoid.  However, it only takes a split second and we grieving parents can go there. We know the feeling of tragedy, that unbearable, horrific pain of finding out our children have died. My thoughts went back to those hours and days immediately… Read More

We Can Do The Impossible

You guys, this is just a reminder, that you can do this. While on social media the other day, I came across a photo of another grieving mom, a woman whom I shared a weekend with at a grief retreat many years ago.  She was a mom whose heart had been shattered beyond recognition when… Read More

Ten Secrets to Surviving Loss of Your Child

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard… “I don’t know how you do it.” “I would go crazy if I were you.” “I couldn’t survive losing my child,” not to mention the comments many say quietly to themselves, secretly thankful it wasn’t their child. Let’s be honest.  I know many of you suffering… Read More

Is There A Sweeter Side of Grief? How To Uncover That Elusive Silver Lining

I started my blog a few years ago and entitled it Grieving Gumdrops: The Sweeter Side of Grief.  It had been a few years after my daughter Lydia had passed away and I was at a place where I needed to recognize my blessings and focus on the positive in order to keep my own… Read More

The Untold Secret About Making Your Teen’s Lunch: Because There’s So Much More Than Food Inside That Brown Bag

There’s so much pressure from the world these days for teens to make their own lunch which many believe will miraculously transform them into responsible, grateful human beings. Yeah, I beg to differ on that one.  What fairy tale are they living in? While I do believe it is very important to instill responsibility in… Read More